January 9, 2020


A Successful Partnership

the CFG Editors

As we start a new year, we reflect on successful partnerships and how they have made us stronger as we have regrown the CFG brand. Although we own over 700 acres of domestic farmland, we need to be sure we can continue to meet and exceed our customers' expectations during the holiday seasons and throughout the year. Our partnership with one company, Corporacion TAK, is key to our continued success.

As the largest cut greenery producer around the globe with over 30 years of experience, TAK owns 16 farms across three different countries: Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador.  Being spread out through different countries, TAK’s farms have a wide variety of soil types, weather and climate conditions that allow for the optimum growth of an array of cut foliage.

Central America Farms

As a company, CFG's quality standards and corporate values are of paramount importance. TAK holds the same values - their quality, dedication to the customer, and social and environmental practices align with ours here at Continental Floral Greens. Here are a few highlights of TAK’s standards and values:

  • They are a leader in environmentally conscious farming
  • MPS-ABC certification on all farms
  • Solar power on all farms
  • Reforestation of areas not properly managed by others
  • Education and literacy programs for employees
  • Community involvement and philanthropy

One of their most generous acts occurred in 2018 after Volcan de Fuego erupted, leaving thousands of families homeless near their Antigua farm. TAK stepped in and launched a fundraiser to donate a percentage of the profit made from their cut greenery sales. The proceeds aided in rebuilding the homes of the communities affected and supplying shelters with food, clothing, medicine, and job opportunities.

Just over 5 years ago, TAK and Continental Floral Greens officially joined forces in a strategic alliance that has been mutually beneficial and continues to grow. Our partnership pushes both companies to do better by learning and growing with each other. We know that our relationship will continue to flourish and are proud to play a small part in everything TAK does to give back to their customers, community, environment and employees.

Learn more about TAK Central America here.

the CFG Editors

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The top of the image shows lush peony greens being harvested while the bottom image shows a happy worker harvesting and packaging peonies.